Making a better CRM for online businesses

I've spent the past 8 years or so making web applications. Not full time, but as side projects while studying or working. Some have been quite ambitious (a TripAdvisor competitor). Some have solved a problem I've had (Klart, bookmarking with screenshots). Some have accidently become quite popular (Pixels, daily design inspiration). Some have been a blast to build but never seen the light of day. And some have made money. Let's talk about that.
Making money from projects have been great since it has opened my eyes for the possibilities of doing this full-time. One of the common patterns in these projects have been that I've talked to people. Whether users on Klart or sponsors for Pixels, I've needed some kind of system to keep track of discussions, feedback and remind myself when to follow up. I've needed a CRM. Because whether I liked it or not, this thing called "sales" was what made it possible for me to work on my projects full-time.
But if I was going to be doing this a whole lot, why not make a really great CRM, that I will actually enjoy using? Not a bloated system designed for big businesses or some generalist spreadsheet:ish thing. Why not work with a really great CRM designed to be exactly what I need as a small online business? Then maybe, just maybe, sales can be fun?
That's why I in December last year decided to start my most important projects yet. — A better CRM for online businesses, to make sales enjoyable for myself and others. Because maybe a little sales is all that's holding you back from working on your projects full-time. It was for me.
This is what it currently looks like:
I'd love to hear what you think and let me know if you want to take it for a spin. You can find me on Twitter @drikerf :).